
We are the parents of a son in his early twenties. Eight years ago, unaware of our fourteen year old son’s underage drinking and drug use, we were shocked when he was suspended from school for marijuana possession. Despite our efforts, our son continued down a dangerous path of substance abuse and rebellion.
Our son entered Christian Recovery House’s halfway house in July 2007. He has been clean and sober for over six years. Today, he walks with the Lord and has a career helping others recover from substance abuse and recently earned his Associate’s Degree. We will always be thankful for the wonderful mentoring he received while at their halfway house.
Bill & Linda

My name is Cindy and since becoming a Christian, God has done so many amazing things for me that I couldn’t do for myself…..He brought me out of the dark and grueling bondage of alcohol addiction and back from the brink of suicide.
I grew up defining success by the world’s standards: material possessions, money, status and appearance. Even after achieving all these things and more, the hole in my heart grew bigger and on the inside I was consumed with unbearable self-hatred, loneliness and depression. I drank for 38 years trying to numb all my feelings of inadequacy and lost all the things I once thought were so important.
After finding my salvation in Jesus, and actively pursuing a relationship with Him, my life has been totally transformed. He has shown me that I do not need to seek after the temporary things of this world for fulfillment, but can look within for everything I need because Christ lives in me. I no longer turn to my old destructive behaviors
when I face adversities and obstacles, but hunger for the Word of God which gives my life purpose and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Christian Recovery Houses offers a safe haven where I can continue growing in my faith while getting stronger in my recovery. Here, I am blessed with many sisters in Christ and the loneliness and isolation I once felt has been replaced with love and compassion for others. Once, my life was only as big as the bottle I was drinking out of; today, with God in control, it is as big and vast as the east is from the west…..

My name is Susan. I grew up in a single parent home in Kannapolis, NC. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home but was sent to church every so often. My mom was strict and because of this I never got into any real trouble. I was abused at a very early age by a close relative. It was kept secret and nothing was ever done about it.
In my late teens, I turned to drugs and alcohol to try and mask the pain. This was all I cared about, above anything else for years. Needless to say, I was brought to my knees, time and time again. In 2007-2008, I fell into such a depression, all I could think about was dying. I had 7 suicide attempts and multiple stays in state
mental hospitals. I finally decided I wasn’t lucky enough to die so I gave up on suicide and continued to drink and use heroin.
On my 40th birthday, May 14, 2010, I went into a detox center and then came to Christian Recovery Houses. I have been a believer since 1994. But because of CRH, I am not only a believer but a follower of Christ and that has made life so different. I have never felt as if I fit in but here I feel at home and right where I am supposed to be. CRH has helped me create positive thinking. I have strengthened my relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible study, prayer, and worship. I now have a huge amount of love, compassion, understanding, and acceptance. I love this place! Life is good!